Základy rekreačného potápania


  • Staňte sa mysliacim potápačom
  • Naučte sa mať úplnú kontrolu
  • Štandardizujte svoju budúcnosť potápača
  • Kurz, ktorý vás navždy zmení
  • Zahrňte materiály pre bočnú montáž


Základy rekreačného potápania

What is the goal of this class?

Staňte sa „Thinking Diver“

Kurz UTD Essentials of Recreational Diving je vstupným bodom pre mnoho certifikovaných potápačov a je predpokladom pre mnoho rekreačných tried UTD. Program UTD Essentials of Rec dáva každému potápačovi príležitosť naučiť sa osobné potápačské zručnosti potrebné na účasť v jednotnom tíme a byť v bezpečí a pod kontrolou, zatiaľ čo vo vode pláva okolo ako „mysliaci potápač“.

Na prvom mieste je dýchanie, ktoré vedie k vztlaku. Presné vztlak, v kombinácii s horizontálou zastrihnúť position, is the hallmark of a good Scuba Diver, of control in the water. You’ll learn to effortlessly hold your position in the water, which leads to the next set of skills: pohon, kde sa naučíte päť rôznych kopov (kopnutie žabou, modifikované kopnutie žabou, modifikované kopnutie vrtuľníkom, otočenie helikoptérou a kop dozadu), ktoré eliminujú zanášanie bahna a zvýšia vašu kontrolu, čo vám umožní pohybovať sa dopredu aj dozadu. Medzi ďalšie zručnosti patria správne postupy zdieľania vzduchu tzv S-vŕtačky, tímové protokoly, SMB využitie, Úplné dno plánovanie plynu, Ratio Deco 3.0 výstupové stratégie a oveľa viac.

Colimity na močovinu

  • Maximálna hĺbka je 60 '/ 18 m
  • Standard gas is Air or Nitrox 32%
  • No decompression diving
  • Žiadne režijné prostredie

Who is this class for?

UTD Essentials of Rec je navrhnutý tak, aby uviedol potápačov do sveta DIR Diving (Doing It Right) a kultivoval základné techniky, ktoré si vyžadujú všetky zdravé potápačské praktiky, bez ohľadu na úroveň alebo prostredie. Essentials of Recreational Diving funguje ako most medzi konvenčným tréningom a náročnejším učebným plánom UTD. Ak by ste sa chceli dozvedieť aj o používaní twinsetu a manipulácii s deko/pódiovým valcom, potom Program Essentials of Tech je pre teba.

The Essentials of Recreational Diving is where students receive the foundation of UTD/DIR philosophy, configuration, and in-water skills. The class is designed for any diver who wants to learn about the benefits of being a UTD thinking diver and apply them to their diving. The class is not only geared toward the newly certified open water diver, but even seasoned veteran divers have found that by incorporating UTD principles into their diving practices, they increase both safety and fun.
Fotografi a kameramani ocenia najmä podrobné školenie v oblasti pohonu a presného ovládania vztlaku, ktoré vám pomôže dosiahnuť dokonalý záber! Inštruktori ocenia „nový pohľad“ na výcvik potápačov a rozvoj zručností. Je to skvelý prvý krok k učeniu a porozumeniu prístupu Unified Team Diving.


  • Minimálne 16 rokov.
  • Must be a certified open-water diver from a recognized training agency
  • Dokončený online registračný proces UTD
  • Absolvovali ste kurz UTD Essentials Online
  • All UTD classes are Non-Smoking
  • Musí byť schopný plávať vo vzdialenosti najmenej 50 stôp / 15 metrov na zadržanie dychu.
  • Musí byť schopný plávať aspoň 300 metrov / 275 metrov za menej ako 14 minút bez zastavenia.

How long does it take?*

Základy rekreačného potápania sa zvyčajne vykonávajú cez a 3-dňové obdobie kombinujúci teoretické prednášky, praktické stretnutia (vo vode) a videorozbory.

What can I do after I obtain certification?

You will be evaluated during the class to obtain the UTD “Essentials of Recreational Diving” Certification. This Certification will allow you to continue within the UTD Recreational Training curriculum. UTD classes are filmed for educational and review purposes only.  We believe it is invaluable for students to visually focus on their individual in-water skills, situational awareness, communication, and team diving. Learning to self-evaluate is an important aspect of the class.

Ako začať?

Krok 1: Purchase these online materials. These materials will be yours for life. Also, any future updates to these materials will automatically be updated so you can stay current with the latest knowledge. During the buying process, you will be guided through a registration waiver. Here you can choose your instructor. After the waiver has been completed your instructor will also be notified 

Krok 2: Reach out to your instructor and schedule the class

Krok 3: Get going with the online materials and supplemental materials you might receive.

Krok 4: Spread the word you are taking this class, and start building your UNIFIED DIVING TEAM.

The costs and pricing structure for UTD courses is almost always built up in 3 sections
1:The price for the course materials you buy directly at the UTD website.
2: The price for the in-person instruction from your instructor
3: Local fees or diving expenses. These could be entry fees, pool rental, equipment rental, etc. inquire with your instructor for details about this. If this course requires the instructor to travel to or with you, the students share the traveling costs of the instructor.

*The course duration is determined by a baseline of the abilities of the average students and coupled with what we need to comfortably introduce the skills and go over the theory content. 

However, when you buy a UTD course from one of our instructors, you pay for training not for a “plastic reward for participation”. We will give you the ability to look at your strengths and weaknesses, and during the class, we can expand on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses. 

Scuba Diving is highly skills-based and theory-based, throw in some complex equipment and you get a mixture of many aspects to master. You should be comfortable with all three aspects to get the most out of your diving and be safe. All of us learn at different paces. It is therefore almost impossible to give everybody the same timeframe to master the complete curriculum.

Some students might need more coaching or just more time to master certain aspects of the course. You can always do so by seeking out more training outside the curriculum and the time constraints of the standard course layout. You can find the price for extra training with your instructor. 

If you together with your instructor decide that more training is needed, we have a document called “Path to completion” It will give you a clear path to reach your goal. That can be a beginner taking the first scuba class, or the advanced diver moving into technical diving. All will succeed…at their own pace. 


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