NEXT CLASSES (Choose below)

MONDAY, 22 APRIL 2024, 6pm (18:00) pacific time
FRIDAY, 26 APRIL, 9am (09:00) pacific time

Please use this form to register for an in-person (or via Zoom) UTD Instructor Requalification Class. There is no charge for active status UTD instructors to participate but registration is required. For inactive UTD instructors taking this class to return to active status there is a $169 USD fee.

Course topics include:

  • EUF certification for UTD
  • Management overview: Jay, Ben, Robbie, Jeff
  • Marketing plans for 2024 and beyond, including upcoming price increase
  • Website changes from 2020 to present including online c-cards and forms
  • Upcoming class listing page
  • Update on translations
  • New classes: O2 Cleanup, SF2, JJ, Ratio Deco 3.0, and a few more
  • Instructor Resources Page
  • Student registration procedures and forms
  • Student course progress page
  • Student certification procedures and forms (including path to completion)
  • Class evaluation parameters
  • Standards and Procedures moved to online
  • The UTD Instructor Playbook
  • Instructor upgrade procedures and forms, instructor renewal fees
  • UTD refund policy
  • UTD Student Resources page

If you have any questions about the class, or the date/time, or anything, please contact me: