3-244 Technical Gas Blender

3-244 Technical Gas Blender Purpose This is an academic and hands-on class that prepares the student to blend breathing gas mixtures utilizing varying oxygen and helium contents. The class addresses the properties of the gases, common blending techniques, and safety....

3-223 Navigation MINI

Purpose The Purpose of the UTD Navigation MINI is to introduce and train a diver in the proper techniques for navigating underwater by both natural features and compass. This MINI presumes the student is certified to at least the open water level with an...

3-222 Night Diver MINI

Purpose The Purpose of the UTD Night Diver MINI is to introduce and train a diver in the proper techniques for night diving. This MINI presumes the student is certified to at least the open water level with an internationally recognized training agency. Prerequisites...

3-221 Propulsion MINI and/or Back Kick MINI

Purpose The Purpose of the UTD Propulsion MINI and/or Back Kick MINI is to introduce and train a diver in the proper techniques of non-silting propulsion and positioning kicks.These MINIs presume the student is certified to at least the open water level with an...

3-220 SMB/Surface Marker Buoy MINI

Purpose The Purpose of the UTD SMB MINI is to introduce and train a diver in the proper use of a surface marker buoy. This MINI presumes the student is certified to at least the open water level with an internationally recognized training agency. Prerequisites Must...