1.3.1 Definitions Relevant to Standards and Procedures

Confined Water Means: Depth less than 20ft/6m Visibility sufficient to see ALL students in the class at the same time No overhead environments Daylight or external lights to produce enough light to simulate daylight Calm surface or “pool-like” conditions No current...

1.2.1 Training Steps

Student development and basic class structure is broken into four steps. The academic and classroom training. The introduction to practice of skills while developing students’ overall awareness. This step is conducted in a controlled environment while the instructor...

1.1.4 The UTD Certification Philosophy

Within UTD the student pays for training but must earn certification. If certification is not ‘earned” during a UTD class, the instructor, together with the student, will define a “path to completion” that gives the student a clear path to earning...

1.1.3 The UTD Covenants

Unified Team Diving – The team is your backup – gas, equipment and brain. The Thinking Team – No team member relies on another person or piece of equipment to make the “sole” decisions. No “trust me” dives. Rock Bottom Gas Management – Every diver carries enough gas...