Dae Wui Jung

Position: Foundational and Scientific Diving Instructor

Hello!! I am Dae-Wui Jung, a Nudibranch taxonomist and scientific-technical diver, working in South Korea and the California, United States. If you want to train yourself, let’s go diving with me!!! Please do not hesitate to contact me.

안녕하세요!! 저는 한국과 미국에서 나새류(갯민숭달팽이)의 계통분류에 대해 공부하고 있는 정대위입니다. 해양생물 공부 및 다이빙 훈련에 관심이 있으시면, 주저하지 말고 연락주세요~ 감사합니다!!


Rec Classes
Extreme Scuba Makeover
Open Water Diver
Advanced Open Water Diver
Recreational 1
Recreational 2
Essentials of Recreational Diving – Back Mount
Essentials of Recreational Diving – Side Mount
Essentials of Scientific Diving
Drysuit Diver
Nitrox Diver
Propulsion MINI
Side Mount MINI
Navigation MINI
Night MINI
Rescue Diver
First Aid/CPR/AED/O2 Provider